About Me

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Oregon & Arizona, United States
A restaurant blog focusing on the customer service angle of the dining experience.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Good Bye

Followers & Friends,

I want to personally say thank you for your support this year with the Blog. It's meant a lot to me to have y'll follow me, read, comment, and enjoy. Some exciting news: Starting in just a month or two, I'll be changing focuses.

Food is a great way to express yourself. I've had a great time doing this blog. But the truth of the matter is that in the coming years, the field of Equal Rights, Gay Marriage, and LGBT Equality is a huge opportunity our country has. I plan on helping change this in a few ways. One of those ways is with new YouTube Channel: @NykWiens

This is a focus on what it's like to be "Gay in America!"

~~~Check it out and thank you for your support~~
